Harmonizing rooms in accordance with Feng Shui

Published on 22/09/2015

Marianne Ratty has been an active Feng Shui Master and Geomancy Consultant since 1996. She studied chemistry and biology and received her Feng Shui and geomancy training from internationally acclaimed instructors including Nigel Pennick, Howard Choy, Olivia Moogk, Carol K. Anthony and Hanna Moog.

She publishes the magazine “Feng Shui Aktuell” and is a founding member of the Europäischen Feng Shui und Geomantie Berufsverbandes e. V. (EFGB) (Association of European Feng Shui and Geomancy Professionals).

Fascinated by the wisdom of ancient cultures, she made it her goal to merge this historic knowledge with modern science. The result is an interesting synergy between the ancient cultures of the western hemisphere and the traditions of oriental wisdom.

Starting position  
Time for new energy

The place where we live, the impact of our surroundings, the relationship between humans and nature, its influence on health, creativity, family, partnership and happiness and the deliberate design thereof – all that comprises Feng Shui. The century old science and art of governing energies (Qi). 

I noticed, however, that the conventional methods of the classic Feng Shui and geomancy no longer suffice in some areas. This has also been confirmed by several of my colleagues. About two weeks ago I discovered the TRANSFORMER 28-4G from BAUER BIOTEC whose effect convinced me after only a few days.

Due to environmental factors as well as radiesthetic and geopathic emissions, which I used to be able to control well with classic Feng Shui methods in my home, the ambient energy had dropped significantly. And the same was true for my life energy (Qi) as well. 

On June 3, 2015, the Bovis value was at approx. 3000 BE and the life energy at about 23%. After only one week with the TRANSFORMER 28-4G in place, the values gradually increased to approx. 18.000 BE and the life energy to 93%. Measurements were taken daily. My partner noticed significantly increased vital energies as well.

Noticeably greater vitality

• In the first days we experienced physical and mental turbulences (initial aggravation) that subsided with the rise in ambient energy.
• Clear thinking, better memory, increased concentration and work performance.
• In our house and garden we observed stronger plant growth than ever before. The plants look healthier.
• In addition, I noticed more animals coming to my garden (such as insects, birds, small animals). It is probable that they, too, feel the increased Bovis values. 


Although Feng Shui provides a wonderful tool to improve our living environment, we recommend the Transformer 28-4G from BAUER BIOTEC as a valuable addition, since technology emissions worldwide will only continue to increase. 

Feng Shui and geomancy are not complete systems from the olden days and continue to evolve even to this day and beyond. Therefore, we recommend to supplement Feng Shui and geomancy methods with additional tools developed by modern research. 

The Transformer T28-4G is such a tool „which was informed and energized by means of a special process and neutralizes and eliminates pathogenic frequency information through interference.

One could say that in a broad sense quantum physical findings are implemented in this tool. Marianne Rattay


Certificate Transformer 28-4G


Test Report by Marianne Ratty, Feng Shui Master

Transformer 28-4G Report

Test Report by Marianne Ratty, Feng Shui Master

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