At home, we want to Relax and Recharge for the next day. Unfortunately, there are external influences that we cannot control. This also includes natural sources such as geopathic stress, water veins, Hartmann grid and Curry networks. If you feel that there are geopathically disturbed zones in your house or in your apartment, please contact us. We support you in the energetic analysis of your sleeping place or work space and help you to find the right solution.
TRANSFORMER 28-5G is the perfect All-in-one product for your house, office or a building.
Green 8 Gold Large Office/Room Harmoniser is placed directly on the geopathic interference zone. Place under your bed and see what happens with your sleep! Nothing to loose with our 30 Days Money Back Guarantee Policy.
An article that has been published in the June 2016 issue of Elle Decoration Magazine
The earth oscillates at an extremely low frequency of 7.83 hertz, which is barely perceptible and is therefore also referred to as the DC Field or ELF = extremely low frequencies. It was discovered by the German physicist W. O. Schumann, after whom it is called the Schumann Resonance. This natural pulse of the earth has a stimulating and ordering influence on the life of man, animal and plant. It is assumed that the different frequencies of water veins, earth gaps, earth faults, and various global grid patterns disturb the natural earth magnetic field.
Research on the topic of geopathic stress was carried out by Dr. Hans Nieper a globally acknowledged cancer and multiple sclerosis (MS) specialist who showed that 92 percent of his cancer patients and 75 percent of his MS patients were exposed to geopathic stress.
How to deal with geopathic stress?
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All-in-one product WINNER of Janey Loves 2019 and 2021 Platinum Awards