NEW GREEN 8 evolution is designed to spot on your Smartphone. For stress-free phone use and a positive change in your every day life. Customers have reported many benefits including a new personal energy level and more mental clarity.
The GREEN 8 evolution is a proven harmonising device and a powerful source for your personal balance and well-being. Manufactured in Germany and recommended by therapists and naturopath all over the world.
GREEN 8 evolution uses no power and does not affect reception or ease of use.
Considering future technologies, we recommend and advise replacing the GREEN 8 evolution after 2 years.
Interesting article published in the Journal of Natural Health Solutions
Mobile/Smartphone and Tablets Like iPads GREEN 8 Evolution
2 x Green 8 evolutions for Cordless DECT Phones, Mobiles/Smartphones and Tablets Like iPads Save up to £11 with this Multi-Pack purchase
4 x Green 8 evolutions for Cordless DECT Phones, Mobiles/Smartphones and Tablets Like iPads Save up to £39 with this Multi-Pack purchase
The Green 8 Gold Family Set, a comprehensive protection and money saver Save up to £36.00 with this Multi-Pack purchase